New Balance Sport Essentials Heather Tech Graphic Short Sleeve T-Shirt - Sportí



New Balance Sport Essentials Heather Tech Graphic Short Sleeve T-Shirt - Herra

Litur: DEK - Dark Olivine
DEK - Dark Olivine
Stærð: S

New Balance Sport Essentials Heather Tech Graphic Short Sleeve T-Shirt - Herra

Klassískur stuttermabolur úr praktísku efni sem hægt er að nota bæði í hreyfingu og dagsdaglega.
  • Þægilegur.
  • Snið sem leggst að líkamanum án þess að vera of þröngt. 
  •  "NB DRY" tækni sem hrindir raka frá líkamanum og þornar fljótt.

Made from heathered cotton and polyester blend material that gives a textured look and a comfortable feel.
It can be used in a variety of situations, from sports to everyday use.
It uses "NB DRY" technology, which provides excellent sweat absorption and quick drying properties, to keep your body dry.