The brand-new Arbitrator is a revolutionary convertible full-face helmet, settling your trail biking dilemma once and for all. Being a full-on downhill certified full-face, yet with a removable chin bar, this helmet is super easy to convert into a trail helmet. As the name implies, this helmet will settle a long-time dilemma on helmet use for the most dedicated enduro and trail riders. It offers two kinds of retention systems; trail mode and full-face mode for downhill. Fully ventilated with large intake and exit ports and STACC ventilation for extra cooling. This product is a two-for-one helmet - with zero compromises given.
The brand-new Arbitrator is a revolutionary convertible full-face helmet, settling your trail biking dilemma once and for all. Being a full-on downhill certified full-face, yet with a removable chin bar, this helmet is super easy to convert into a trail helmet. As the name implies, this helmet will settle a long-time dilemma on helmet use for the most dedicated enduro and trail riders. It offers two kinds of retention systems; trail mode and full-face mode for downhill. Fully ventilated with large intake and exit ports and STACC ventilation for extra cooling. This product is a two-for-one helmet - with zero compromises given.
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