Heated Oslo jakkinn hentar vel í hvaða veður sem er. Hann er með fjórum hitastillingum sem þú getur auðveldlega stillt að þínum þörfum hvar sem þú ert.
Oslo jakkinn er úr vind- og vatnsheldu efni sem andar vel, sem gerir hann jafn hagnýtann á bæði rigningar- og köldum dögum.
Stílhrein hönnun með stillanlegri hettu og endurskinsmerkjum svo að jakkinn hentar vel fyrir ýmis tilefni hvort sem þú ert á leið í vinnu, út í náttúruna eða í bæinn.
Vörunr: HEE- OSO46
HeatX™ Technology
The HeatX™ 5V system is a USB powered heating system made with ease of use in mind. Three heating levels controlled by a button, and cross-over compatibility with most power banks makes this a convenient and user-friendly solution. The included power bank can be charged on any USB outlet, and ensures long lasting heating times for your comfort.
“100% water- & windproof outer shell 3-layer fabric (10K/10K)Insulated with 40/60gsm Thinsulate from 3M”
The heating elements are placed on the chest and lower back for an optimal temperature experience and heat transfer.The HeatX™ 9V App-controlled heating system is designed to help you stay within your comfort temperature range, no matter the environment. Adjust between four levels of heat using the button on the garment or set your desired temperature using the APP and let the system take care of the rest. The heat elements are elastic to allow for good movement and breathability, and strategically placed on areas of the body where you gain most of the added heat. The built-in temperature sensor prevents overheating and ensures the system can adjust to your desirable comfort temperature. 5 years of testing and development have ensured a safe and long-lasting heat element that provides optimal warmth and comfort.