A lightweight, elastic gaiter that keeps mud and dirt out of your shoes.
Although the gaiter is not waterproof, it is highly breathable and water-repellent enough to keep out light rain and snow.
In the latest version, the strap can be adjusted under the shoe and hooked in and out to ensure a good fit with shoes of different widths and to make wearing more comfortable.
Weight: 750g
Icebug legghlífar -svartar
Léttar og teygjanlegar legghlífar.
Frábærar í utanvegahlaupin.
Koma í þremur stærðum (S, M og L)
Icebug Pocket Gaiter - Black
A lightweight, elastic gaiter that keeps mud and dirt out of your shoes.
Although the gaiter is not waterproof, it is highly breathable and water-repellent enough to keep out light rain and snow.
In the latest version, the strap can be adjusted under the shoe and hooked in and out to ensure a good fit with shoes of different widths and to make wearing more comfortable.
Weight: 750g
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