Reima Wingon Buxur
Skíðabrekkur og sleðabrekkur eru framundan! Þessa tæknilegu vetrarbuxur eru hannaðar fyrir fríska krakka - þær hrinda frá sér vætu og óhreinindum og allir aðalsaumarnir eru límdir og vatnsheldir. Vindhelda öndunarefnið tryggir þægindi í útivistinni. Barninu verður hlýtt og það svitnar ekki. Axlaböndin er unnt að taka af, og eru stillanleg. Styrkingarefni er á skálmum tryggir endingu.
Temperatures ca. 0 to -20 °C
Breathability at least 7 000 g/m2/24 h
Reima Take off pants
Slopes and sledding hills ahead! These functional winter pants are designed for active kids: the pants repel effectively water and dirt, and all the main seams have been taped waterproof. The windproof and breathable material ensures comfort during fun outings, warm and without sweating. The removable and adjustable suspenders are super comfortable and make sure that the pants stay up during action-packed adventures. The reinforcements at the leg ends are durable and protect ankles. Thanks to the snow locks snowy and cold surprises stay at bay and they are just the perfect fit for snowboarding and skiing boots, too. The adjustable waist guarantees a good, unique fit. This unisex style has a straight, slightly loose fit.
Reima Wingon Buxur
Skíðabrekkur og sleðabrekkur eru framundan! Þessa tæknilegu vetrarbuxur eru hannaðar fyrir fríska krakka - þær hrinda frá sér vætu og óhreinindum og allir aðalsaumarnir eru límdir og vatnsheldir. Vindhelda öndunarefnið tryggir þægindi í útivistinni. Barninu verður hlýtt og það svitnar ekki. Axlaböndin er unnt að taka af, og eru stillanleg. Styrkingarefni er á skálmum tryggir endingu.
Temperatures ca. 0 to -20 °C
Breathability at least 7 000 g/m2/24 h
Reima Take off pants
Slopes and sledding hills ahead! These functional winter pants are designed for active kids: the pants repel effectively water and dirt, and all the main seams have been taped waterproof. The windproof and breathable material ensures comfort during fun outings, warm and without sweating. The removable and adjustable suspenders are super comfortable and make sure that the pants stay up during action-packed adventures. The reinforcements at the leg ends are durable and protect ankles. Thanks to the snow locks snowy and cold surprises stay at bay and they are just the perfect fit for snowboarding and skiing boots, too. The adjustable waist guarantees a good, unique fit. This unisex style has a straight, slightly loose fit.
Þessi vefsíða notar vefkökur (cookies) til að bæta upplifun þína. Með því að heimsækja vefinn samþykkir þú skilmála um vefkökur.