Einstaklega þægilegt hlaupabelti sem geymir allt þetta helsta.
The Essential Bottle Pack is a road runners dream hydration waist pack. This water belt comes standard with a 550 mL UltraFlask in the mesh pocket. It can hold your phone (up to an iPhone 7+) and comes with a bungee cord for a jacket or shirt. The Essential Bottle Pack is made with a conical shape that allows for a comfortable fit and a bounce free ride. Adjustable strap allows for one size to fit most.
Einstaklega þægilegt hlaupabelti sem geymir allt þetta helsta.
The Essential Bottle Pack is a road runners dream hydration waist pack. This water belt comes standard with a 550 mL UltraFlask in the mesh pocket. It can hold your phone (up to an iPhone 7+) and comes with a bungee cord for a jacket or shirt. The Essential Bottle Pack is made with a conical shape that allows for a comfortable fit and a bounce free ride. Adjustable strap allows for one size to fit most.
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