Hoka Mach X 2 Herra - Sportís.is



Hoka Mach X 2 Herra

Stærðartafla Hoka herra
Herra skóstærðartafla
Stærð á síðu 39 1/3 40 40 2/3 41 1/3 42 42 2/3 43 1/3 44 44 2/3 45 1/3 46 46 2/3 47 1/3 48 49 1/3
UK Stærð 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13.5
US Stærð* 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 14
Fótalengd mm 243 247 251 256 260 264 268 272 277 281 285 289 294 298 306
Breidd (Regular) mm 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 111
Breidd (Wide) mm 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 119
Breidd (Extra Wide) mm 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 123

Á milli stærða? Til að passa betur skaltu prófa minni stærðina. Til að fá meira frelsi fyrir tærnar skaltu prófa stærðina upp.

Hvernig á að mæla

Ef þú ert ekki viss um hvaða skóstærð þú átt að kaupa skaltu fylgja skrefunum hér að neðan:

  1. Teiknaðu beina línu sem er lengri en fóturinn á blað..
  2. Settu pappírinn á flatt yfirborð. Stattu á línunni með hælinn og lengstu tána í miðju. Ef þú mælir fót barns getur verið auðveldara að halda pappírnum upp að fæti þess.
  3. Settu merki á línuna á oddinn á lengstu tánni og aftan á hælinn.
  4. Endurtaktu skrefin hér að ofan fyrir hinn fótinn.
  5. Mældu fjarlægðina á milli merkjanna. Taktu stærri mælinguna af tveimur, notaðu umreikningstöfluna til að finna rétta skóstærð þína..
  1. Measure from just below the ball of your foot to the outside, below the base of the little toe.
  2. Repeat for both feet: the larger measurement represents your foot width. Round up or down to the closest size within 0.5mm.
Litur: Frost / Citrus
Frost / Citrus
Skyward Blue / Electric Cobalt
Stærð: 40 1/3

The Rundown

A propulsive speed-training partner.

Bolder than ever before, the Mach X 2 brings the heat to speedwork. Inspired by the Cielo X1’s race-ready geometry, we combined an extra-resilient PEBA-topped midsole and increased rocker profile for an aggressive toe-off, then extended the Pebax® plate design for enhanced support and propulsion. With an extra-breathable and supportive woven upper and a sleeker collar, this speed trainer keeps things light, cool, and fast for next-level efforts.

Best for:
Everyday Run
  • Sleek, race-inspired collar
  • Gusseted tongue
  • Lightweight, breathable woven upper
  • Reflective detailing for visibility
  • Highly resilient PEBA foam
  • Propulsive Pebax® Rnew plate
  • RN 88276

The Rundown

A propulsive speed-training partner.

Bolder than ever before, the Mach X 2 brings the heat to speedwork. Inspired by the Cielo X1’s race-ready geometry, we combined an extra-resilient PEBA-topped midsole and increased rocker profile for an aggressive toe-off, then extended the Pebax® plate design for enhanced support and propulsion. With an extra-breathable and supportive woven upper and a sleeker collar, this speed trainer keeps things light, cool, and fast for next-level efforts.

Best for:
Everyday Run
  • Sleek, race-inspired collar
  • Gusseted tongue
  • Lightweight, breathable woven upper
  • Reflective detailing for visibility
  • Highly resilient PEBA foam
  • Propulsive Pebax® Rnew plate
  • RN 88276